The Great Replacement

Woke is the vanguard of the 21st-century Cultural Revolution in America. Like Chairman Mao, it seeks the obliteration of the old America by purging any remnants of traditional American society. The idea is to rid American society of old ideas, old values, old artifacts, old habits, old Judeo-Christian religion, and old customs including honoring...

Cowards in positions of responsibility all over the Western world are deciding that appeasement is preferable to resistance, accommodation better than struggle, cowering slavery more desirable than precarious freedom. I submit that they're insanely, calamitously, tragically wrong, and that the pusillanimous course they've chosen is only helping to...

The president of the World Bank wants governments to create digital identities and link them to private sector and existing infrastructures, joining a host of other global interests. World Bank president Ajay Banga told the World Bank Group's inaugural Global Digital Summit that digital ID should be embraced in all nations. He also called for...

Klaus Schwab founded the World Economic Forum (WEF) in January of 1971. His nonprofit foundation was built on a dream of world governance. In October of the same year, John Lennon released his hit song "Imagine." Schwab should have adopted Lennon's tune for the official anthem for his world enterprise. A quick perusal of Lennon's lyrics reveals a...

The civil war against "infidel" Europe has long since begun. The historic third wave of attacks against the bulwark of Europe (Bernhard Lewis) is Islam's most successful conquest campaign in modern times. Muslims everywhere speak openly about their intention to Islamize our continent.

The UK's asylum system is beyond broken. The British state is apparently open to granting asylum to a convicted sex offender on the questionable grounds that he had converted to Christianity. And yet it fails miserably when it comes to providing sanctuary for people who are actually in need of our protection. The same government that granted Ezedi...