American News and Politics

'I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution' Trump's twin policy obsessions are immigration and energy security. His more intelligent critics will say that he made all these promises before. Many others will call him racist and fascist. But, for all the fear and loathing that...

On the issue of double standards—the soft bigotry of low expectations from Muslims, the hard bigotry of impossible standards for Jews—Wood pointed to an irony that won't have escaped those in the pro-Israel political camp. The war in Gaza, he wrote, "began when Hamas terrorists burned Israelis alive…[Bushnell's] willingness to suffer this way...

As many of you know by now, The Blaze's journalist Steve Baker was arrested yesterday by the FBI, put in handcuffs, leg irons, and paraded before a magistrate who read off charges of ... wait for it ... four misdemeanors. Four FRIGGIN misdemeanors. Charges, not convictions, mind you. Nonetheless: Leg irons. Handcuffs. Hours in a jail cell. The...

Cornel West praised Bushnell's "extraordinary courage and commitment", Roger Waters celebrated him as an "All-American Hero" and the media emphasized his military role. "Israel is a white supremacist, ethnonationalist, settler-colonial apartheid state. It has no right to exist," Bushnell argued. He claimed that all the Jews could be killed because...

An inside look at the condition of the once-great city. Just a little too true humour to make your day! New York City satire!

Nothing that our intelligence agencies will tell us from now until the election will be true. None of it. Don't believe a word. And after the election is over, the truth will come out as it always does, exposing lie after lie after lie, but they won't care because they will have gotten their guy elected and there will be...

It's high time that nine justices of the Supreme Court unite in a single denunciation of lawyers like Smith who press novel legal claims for political blood sport. A unanimous Supreme Court should restore the federal courts' reputation by denouncing "Javert" Jack Smith and his jurisprudence of jihad and announcing that it will take all due time to...

Independent journalist Michael Shellenberger has broken a story on Substack this week exposing Barack Obama's CIA both before and after the 2016 election. Tom Fitton brings up a solid point on the Shellenberger bombshells: it is the U.S. Congress that now must secure the hidden CIA documents, referenced by reliable witnesses, on the agency's...

At the same time, the DOJ wants Trump behind bars for using his voice to condemn the 2020 election as tainted by fraud. Interestingly, that allegation is now backed up by so much demonstrable evidence of electoral crimes and statistical evidence of probable crimes that one recent study concludes that but for mail-in ballot fraud, President Trump...

I should be outraged by the death of Russian political dissident Alexei Navalny, but I'm not. It's just that I have a finite reservoir of outrage and attention for such matters and right now I'm more than occupied by alarm for the political persecution, oppression, corruption and evil intent here in my own nation. I also can't help but notice...